UF Purifier

Benefits of Ultra Filtration Plant

Removal of Particles: UF effectively removes suspended solids, colloids, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens from water.

Improved Water Quality: UF enhances water quality by reducing turbidity, color, odor, and taste caused by organic matter and microorganisms.

Microbial Reduction: UF membranes act as a barrier to bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, making water safer for consumption.

Chemical-Free Process: Unlike some other water treatment methods that rely on chemical additives, UF is a physical separation process that doesn't require the addition of chemicals.

Where it can be used : Where Suspended Solids(TDS) in Water is less , it is advisable to use.

Ultra Filtration Purifier

We have Ultra Filtration Plant of leading brand cloud, Aquaguard, Faber brands. UF plant is mostly required where water quality is good like Narmada Water. which keeps essential Mineral as it is and help to boost your immunity.

Aquaguard UF Plant

Aquaguard UF Plant - Solution of water filtration only