Ro Water Purifier

Now a days Water Purifiers are essentials due to water pollutions.. Main water sources are either Dam or ground water Dams are polluted by the rubbish throughing in to it and ground water are polluted by industrial wast.

Many Water born diesses are reported in daily life. To prevent family form Water born dieses it is essential to treat water before drinking. DRINK SAFE WATER AND STAY HEALTHY

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It is advisable to drink nutral ph - Alkalinity of water, A glass of water with higher Alkalinity in a day will boost immunity system by recharge human body cell with rich minerals.


Ultra Filteration Machine

Reverse Osmosis - RO is not required at every Water , such case low TDS softwater needs proper filtration to remove impurites only by keeping required minerals. It is most advisible to have Ultra Filtration at this stage..

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Nutural Alkalinity of Drinking Water is required for human body, which boost immune system


Ultra Filtration Membrane purifies water 99% by removing impurities like turbidity, harmful substance from water. Most advisable where raw water quality is good.


Word is facing scarcity of Water..India is One of them. This is resulting poor drinking water quality